Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasmosis is found in undercooked meat, contaminated water, contaminated soil or those who have cats and don't take proper sanitary care of the feces can ingest this parasite.This parasite is found throughout the world, but in the US,  more than 60 million people could be infected. For those people who have a healthy immune system, it will keep them from showing any symptoms. For those with weak immune systems, however, the symptoms include problems with the eyes and flu-like symptoms. Severe symptoms include damage to the eyes, brains and other organs. Those at risk are infants whose mothers were exposed to the parasite while they were pregnant. Those who have weak immune systems, are on chemo or have received an organ transplant are also at risk for developing symptoms. Treatment for Toxoplasmosis is generally unnecessary for those with healthy immune systems. Even if symptoms develop, they will go away within a few weeks or months. For those with weak immune systems or for women who are pregnant, treatment is available.

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