Thursday, November 29, 2012

CRE: A Deadly Superbug

CRE stands for Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and is a bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family. It is one of the most common causes of bacterial infection, especially for those working in healthcare settings. CRE has been around for a couple of years, but has become a real problem recently after the discovery of its ability to mutate into new superbugs that are resistant to antibiotics or treatments as of now. Because CRE is a bacteria, it is spread through direct contact with someone who has CRE. One affected, the patient will experience infections of the bladder, urinary tract or wounds as well as pneumonia and meningitis. The major problem that doctors and researchers are facing now is the lack of ability to tract the progress of the disease. According to USA Today, 41 states have documented cases of CRE, but more states may be affected. Researchers advise that we try to prevent the bacteria from spreading, since antibiotics are not working. They recommend, especially to those who work in the healthcare system, to regularly wash their hands, especially after direct contact with a patient because they may be infected. Until and if ever we find a solution to this problem, prevention looks like the only thing we have going for us to prevent this from becoming a pandemic.

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