Thursday, November 29, 2012

CRE: A Deadly Superbug

CRE stands for Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae and is a bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family. It is one of the most common causes of bacterial infection, especially for those working in healthcare settings. CRE has been around for a couple of years, but has become a real problem recently after the discovery of its ability to mutate into new superbugs that are resistant to antibiotics or treatments as of now. Because CRE is a bacteria, it is spread through direct contact with someone who has CRE. One affected, the patient will experience infections of the bladder, urinary tract or wounds as well as pneumonia and meningitis. The major problem that doctors and researchers are facing now is the lack of ability to tract the progress of the disease. According to USA Today, 41 states have documented cases of CRE, but more states may be affected. Researchers advise that we try to prevent the bacteria from spreading, since antibiotics are not working. They recommend, especially to those who work in the healthcare system, to regularly wash their hands, especially after direct contact with a patient because they may be infected. Until and if ever we find a solution to this problem, prevention looks like the only thing we have going for us to prevent this from becoming a pandemic.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasmosis is found in undercooked meat, contaminated water, contaminated soil or those who have cats and don't take proper sanitary care of the feces can ingest this parasite.This parasite is found throughout the world, but in the US,  more than 60 million people could be infected. For those people who have a healthy immune system, it will keep them from showing any symptoms. For those with weak immune systems, however, the symptoms include problems with the eyes and flu-like symptoms. Severe symptoms include damage to the eyes, brains and other organs. Those at risk are infants whose mothers were exposed to the parasite while they were pregnant. Those who have weak immune systems, are on chemo or have received an organ transplant are also at risk for developing symptoms. Treatment for Toxoplasmosis is generally unnecessary for those with healthy immune systems. Even if symptoms develop, they will go away within a few weeks or months. For those with weak immune systems or for women who are pregnant, treatment is available.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Arsenic is a metal that, according to the OSHA occurs naturally in the earth's crust. When combined with oxygen, chlorine or sulfur, it becomes an organic compound. It is used as a poison in a lot of sprays to get rid of unwanted guests like bugs, rats or weeds. Because it is directly sprayed onto the soil, it can seep into the groundwater and contaminate any well water connected to it. It is also used in paint, semi-conductors and mirrors. It can be ingested directly through water, food or by breathing it in. High levels of arsenic intake will result in a quick death within hours of ingesting. Those who consume high levels will experience symptoms of a metallic taste in their mouth followed with vomiting and diarrhea as well as excess sweating and will eventually go into shock and die. Those who are exposed to low levels are still at risk, they just won't see results as quickly and usually die from cancer or other health problems caused by the arsenic.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Community Gardens!

Community gardens are a way to bring communities together by creating a common interest. They are a way to show an area that productivity is possible if everyone pitches in. The cool thing about community gardens is that everyone can reap the benefits if enough work is put in by everyone. Community gardens, for some reason remind me of the class pet that I had as an elementary student. The class had to pitch in to make sure that the hermit crabs had enough water and food to survive so that we could play with them when the teacher said we could. The pet brought my class together because we were all contributing to taking care of this one thing that we all shared. If one person was to not do their job and the hermit crab died, then the class wouldn't have been too happy and the same goes for the community gardens. Those who pitch in and make sure that the plants are watered and properly cultivated will happily reap the benefits when the plants start producing fruits and vegetables.