Monday, October 22, 2012

Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson was an essential part of Environmental Science world. Her book Silent Spring highlighted the damaging effects of the spraying of pesticides on our environment. She is such an iconic person because she is the only person who was brave enough to stand up against the government and other major companies who claimed these pesticides were safe to use. She was seeking to highlight the irreversible damage that we were causing to the environment and the animals living in it and how this damage was not worth eliminating the pests. There are a few alternatives that she described like introducing a new species into an environment to control the outbreak of a certain pest. The spotlight of the environmental damage opened many doors for environmental protection which led to the creation of the EPA in 1970. Rachel was a strong woman who displayed tremendous determination and dedication through all of her personal issues to fight for something she truly believed in. She is an inspiration for many people.

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