Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

According to NASA, the CO2 level has never been as high as it has been starting in 1950. They attribute this to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that increase the temperature of the Earth. Cores collected from Antarctica, Greenland and tropical glaciers shows that the Earth's temperature reacts to a change in the Earth's orbit, the sun and greenhouse levels.

The increase in CO2 levels cause sea temperatures to rise which melts glaciers which in turn causes sea levels to rise. On land, we see an increase in temperature causes drought. Carbon dioxide that gets to the sea causes the sea to become more acidic. Coming from living in the desert, I know first hand what it's like to feel like there is not enough water to go around. Restrictions are placed on how often and when people are allowed to water their grass throughout the year. Part of the world is flooding and the other is drying up. We have also been seeing spontaneous catastrophic events that may not have been as bad before such as flooding, harsh winters and longer summers.

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